VKM2.3A LUDWIG HUNGER TYPE VKM2.3A Hunger VKM2 LUDWIG HUNGER VKM3 LUDWIG HUNGER VKM3.4 we have available for sale Worldwide exporter of all types of marine helping tools IDEAL DIESEL MARINE Email us: idealdieselsn@hotmail.com
We have below Details valve Grinding machines are for sale: make: LUDWIG HUNGER type: VKM2.3A Condition: working condition [not new] ———————- We also have as below: make: LUDWIG HUNGER type: VKM 3 ——————– make: LUDWIG HUNGER type: VKM 3.4 All types of marine helping tools we export worldwide,feel free to contact us. PHOTOS ON REQUEST

Thanks & Regards,
Shakeel Sheikh
Ideal Diesel Marine
Ship Machinery and Engine Spares
Worldwide wide Exporter.
Tel.: +91-7801 989898
Mobile: +91-9825293844 [whatsapp /we chat]
E-mail: idealdieselsn@hotmail.com [primary Email]